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Knocking cloud security off its game

An AI-generated image showing a city on a microchip

Public cloud services employ special security technologies. Computer scientists at ETH Zurich have now discovered a gap in the latest security mechanisms used by AMD and Intel chips. This affects major cloud providers.

(Updated: )

An architecture that gives users full control of their smartphones

An architecture that gives users full control of their smartphones

Do users have complete control over their smartphone? Apple and Google cite technical reasons to control what users, developers, and governments can do on phones. We are building Sovereign Smartphones to address this.
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Vulnerability discovered in Intel

A hand holding a microprocessor

An international research team whose members include an ETH Zurich professor has revealed a vulnerability in the security architecture of Intel processors. Until July, Microsoft and Google products were also affected.

Recent Publications

WeSee: Using Malicious #VC Interrupts to Break AMD SEV-SNP

Heckler: Breaking Confidential VMs with Malicious Interrupts, 

ACAI: Protecting Accelerator Execution with Arm Confidential Computing Architecture

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Keystone: An Open Framework for Architecting Trusted Execution Environments

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